01/09/2025 - 05/09/2025
Kalender-Import: iCal

ETC-Partner, - ETC-Partner

– Erfahrung in einer strukturierten Programmiersprache

– wir empfehlen den Besuch des Seminars GKJAVAE Java – Essentials

Das Spring-Ökosystem ist ein umfangreiches und vielseitiges Framework für die Entwicklung von Java-Anwendungen. Es bietet eine Vielzahl von Modulen und Projekten, die Entwicklern helfen, robuste und skalierbare Anwendungen zu erstellen.
Programmierer*innen mit Java (Grund-)Kenntnissen
Used IDE: IntelliJ (Maven)

Spring/SpringBoot Setup

Spring-Container / Dependency Injection

REST WebService with JPA/Hibernate, Spring Data

Persistence Context, Transaction, JPQL

Relations: @OneToOne, @OneToMany, @ManyToMany

Used databases: H2, MySQL, MongoDB

Asynchronous REST WebService

Project Reactor with Web Flux (Spring Reactive)

Using Netty Server; MongoDB Reactive

Serving Web Content with Spring MVC

Model-View-Controller (CRUD), Handling Form Submission

Template Engine: Thymeleaf

Testing, IntegrationTest, Mocking

MicroService Architecture using SpringCloud:

Config Server, OpenFeign, Service Registry, Loadbalancing

Create distributable jar

SpringBoot Deployment with Docker Container,

Spring Actuator and Admin Server

Scheduling Tasks, Caching Data with Spring,

Spring Internationalization,

Spring CLI (Command Line Interface): a tool that allows developers to bootstrap and

manage Spring-based applications from the command line

Spring Data Integration:

Integrating Spring Data with Apache Kafka involves configuring your Spring Boot

application to use Kafka for messaging data

Spring Retry:

a library that provides declarative retry support for Spring applications.

Spring Security:

AuthenticationFilter, Authorization, Method Security, Password Management,

