International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (“ARES”) 2016

he International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (“ARES”) will bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of dependability. ARES will highlight the various aspects of security – with special focus on the crucial linkage between availability, reliability and security. [...]

ARES aims at a full and detailed discussion of the research issues of security as an integrative concept that covers amongst others availability, safety, confidentiality, integrity, maintainability and security in the different fields of applications.
ARES will emphasize the interplay between foundations and practical issues of security in emerging areas such as e-government, m-government, location-based applications, ubiquitous computing, autonomous computing, chances of grid computing etc. ARES is devoted to the critical examination and research challenges of the various aspects of Secure and Dependable Computing and the definition of a future road map.
Selected papers that are accepted by and presented at the ARES Conference will be published, after further revision, in special issues of international journals (e.g. Springer EURASIP Journal on Information Security). The acceptance rate of the ARES 2015 conference was 29% (full paper only).

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