Das IDC Data Hub Event, das am 5. Juni im Novomatic Forum in Wien stattfindet, bietet einen Überblick über sämtliche Facetten des Hype-Themas Big Data. Viele verschiedene Experten garantieren, dass das Thema wirklich von jeder Seite beleuchtet wird und die Konferenzteilnehmer optimalen Nutzen aus dieser Veranstaltung ziehen können. [...]
Um relevanten Content für die Veranstaltung und alle Tracks – BIG Business – BIG Analytics – BIG Platforms – BIG Technologies – sicherzustellen, werden unter anderem folgende Speaker auftreten:
Martin Köhler
Scientist, Mobility Department, Dynamic Transportation Systems, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. Dr. Martin Köhler is a scientist at the mobility department of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH and is engaged in research issues relating to the efficient use of big data and cloud computing technologies in dynamic transportation systems.
Alexander Wöhrer
Programme Manager,Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF). Dr. Alexander Wöhrer studied Business Informatics at the University of Vienna. His doctoral studies at the Institute of Scientific Computing at the University of Vienna focused on elaborating novel methods to integrate databases into service-oriented architectures for scientific applications.
Steffen Krause
Technology Evangelist, Amazon Web Services. Steffen Krause is a Technology Evangelist at Amazon Web Services. Having previously worked for many years in the implementation of complex information management, business intelligence, and database solutions for customers of all sizes, he now works on highly scalable, cost effective IT solutions in the cloud. Steffen is a regular speaker at international conferences on databases and cloud services.
Herwig Zeiner
Researcher, Joanneum Research Herwig Zeiner is a key researcher for JOANNEUM RESEARCH in Graz, Austria. His research interests are data-intensive distributed event-driven software systems for real-time data-stream analytics and applying adaptive online algorithms and complex event processing techniques.
Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna. Axel Polleres joined the Institute of Information Business of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) in Sept 2013 as a full professor in the area of „Data and Knowledge Engineering“. He obtained his Ph.D. and habilitation from Vienna University of Technology and worked at University of Innsbruck, Austria, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) at the National University of Ireland, Galway, and for Siemens AG’s Corporate Technology Research division before joining WU Wien. His current research interests include Knowledge Representation, Data Management, Semantic Web technologies, and Linked Open Data.
Marcel Kunze
Karlsruher Institute of Technologie (KIT). Dr. Kunze studied elementary particle physics at the University of Karlsruhe and habilitated in 1996 with a theme of neuroscience computer science at the University of Bochum. Research trips led him to international institutions such as CERN and Stanford University in Silicon Valley. In his current position as a research group leader at KIT he focuses on actual topics like „Cloud Computing“ and „Big Data“.
Darüber hinaus sprechen unter anderem auch noch Experten von IBM, Microsoft, Splunk, HDS, EMC, Novarion, Red Hat und vielen weiteren Unternehmen sowie IDC!
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