PRINCE2 Certifiation Courses in Vienna

Worldwide PRINCE2 is the most used project management methodology – in more than 150 countries, with trainings in currently 14 languages and with more than 1.000.000 certified experts. MILESTONE offers certification courses in English language – here in Vienna! [...]

PRINCE2 is an integrated project management methodoloy focusing exclusively on the management aspects of projects. That’s why it is used worldwide for all types of projects in all industries. It offers a solid and complete framework.

As PRINCE2 is focused and lean to such extent you will only need two qualification levels (Foundation + Practitioner)  to be able to manage a PRINCE2 project efficiently.  

Milestone’s courses are dedicated to quality and customer orientation:

  • We will work in small groups with a success rate of 99% up to now.
  • We guarantee that the courses will take place on the fixed dates.
  • Our course fees are all inclusive – also the examination fees and PRINCE2 manual are covered.

Upcoming dates of trainings and certifications in Vienna:

  • Foundation:    23.-25.03.2015           € 1.200,- excl. VAT
  • Practitioner:    21.-22.04.2015           € 1.300,- excl. VAT
  • There is a discount when booking both courses together.

See all the detailed information and check in at:

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