A revolution in cloud Networking: Citrix Tri Scale Technology

An enterprise cloud network is one that embodies the characteristics andcapabilities that define public cloud services. These include being ‘elastic’ so thatperformance can be scaled on-demand, the option to only pay for capacity that isbeing [...]

An enterprise cloud network is one that embodies the characteristics and
capabilities that define public cloud services. These include being ‘elastic’ so that
performance can be scaled on-demand, the option to only pay for capacity that is
being used, and the power to cost effectively scale the infrastructure to support a
steadily growing number of applications and customers. Such a multi-dimensional
scaling strategy is requisite to building a service delivery fabric for optimizing the
delivery of web, mobile and cloud-based applications.

With its new TriScale Technology, Citrix® is enabling a genuine revolution for
enterprise cloud networks by providing an unrivaled set of capabilities that smartly
scale application and service delivery infrastructures, affordably and with no
additional complexity.


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Die Teilnehmer des Roundtables (v.l.n.r.): Roswitha Bachbauer (CANCOM Austria), Thomas Boll (Boll Engineering AG), Manfred Weiss (ITWelt.at) und Udo Schneider (Trend Micro). (c) timeline/Rudi Handl

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NIS2 ist mehr ein organisatorisches Thema als ein technisches. Und: Von der Richtlinie sind via Lieferketten wesentlich mehr Unternehmen betroffen als ursprünglich geplant, womit das Sicherheitsniveau auf breiter Basis gehoben wird. Beim ITWelt.at Roundtable diskutierten drei IT-Experten und -Expertinnen über die Herausforderungen und Chancen von NIS2. […]

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