Accelerating your windows Migration With Citrix Xen Desktop

Urgency is growing for organizations that still rely on Microsoft Windows XP to do business. With endof-support-life for Windows XP looming on April 14, 2014, IT must move quickly to migrate to Windows 7 or [...]

Urgency is growing for organizations that still rely on Microsoft Windows XP to do business. With endof-support-life for Windows XP looming on April 14, 2014, IT must move quickly to migrate to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to avoid damaging security breaches and compliance violations. A traditional upgrade process would take many months—time that organizations simply don’t have. Equally important, IT can’t allow its Windows project to divert resources and stall progress on key initiatives to support enterprise mobility. What’s needed is a way to solve the Windows XP migration challenge while simultaneously moving forward to enable anytime, anywhere, any-device productivity for today’s modern workforce.Find out more in this Whitepaper.


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