Creating a Successful and Meaningful Customer Experience on the Web

In this paper, CITO Research explains the challenges of contemporary web manage- ment for enterprises and the business importance of web experience management as the basis of an integrated online strategy. This concept is vital for executives who are concerned about the strategic direction of their companies and who seek to provide an experience that will drive competitive success. [...]

Today’s corporations live and die by their web presence. Modern marketing, sales, and customer relationship management are largely conducted online. Managing a cus- tomer’s experience of a company on the Web has become a major focus for marketers and line-of-business leaders.
Yet with the increasing complexity of challenges and options, many companies are delivering a poor online experience, and they are suffering for it. The consequences of having a subpar online experience are severe: one study found that poor online user experience, coupled with a lack of insight about why customers are abandoning web- sites, is causing businesses to lose 24% of their annual online revenues. That equates to more than $50 billion a year lost in the US alone.
What’s more, the power dynamic of interactions on the Web has shifted. Custom- ers have the power. They drive the interactions, not the companies. With the rise of mobile devices and a flurry of easy-to-use applications, customers have transformed from passive broadcast consumers into captains of their own destinies. The modern web experience must adapt to this reality.
In this paper, CITO Research explains the challenges of contemporary web manage- ment for enterprises and the business importance of web experience management as the basis of an integrated online strategy. This concept is vital for executives who are concerned about the strategic direction of their companies and who seek to provide an experience that will drive competitive success.


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