From Gatekeeper to Enabler: How the Role of IT Is Fundamentally Changing

This white paper presents a new vision for IT profession- als. Right now, in many organizations, IT departments have one foot in the past and one foot in the future. [...]

The future is represented by many islands of IT, some under the control of the IT department and some out- side its control. In this world, the domain of traditional IT still exists, but there are also growing collections of IT that are not under the control of the IT department…
This paper was created by CITO Research and sponsored by QlikView.

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Bei der Entwicklung von Strategien zur Verbesserung der Datensicherheit in KI-Workloads ist es entscheidend, die Perspektive zu ändern und KI als eine Person zu betrachten, die anfällig für Social-Engineering-Angriffe ist. Diese Analogie kann Unternehmen helfen, die Schwachstellen und Bedrohungen, denen KI-Systeme ausgesetzt sind, besser zu verstehen und robustere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu entwickeln. […]

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