Information Governance: Turning Data Into Business Value

In dieser Forrester-Studie befragten die Autoren 200 Firmen in Deutschland, USA und Großbritannien über ihre Information Governance Strategien, Herausforderungen und den ROI ihrer Lösungen. [...]

Companies continue to invest more and more in business intelligence (BI) projects, but success is significantly lagging behind business goals and expectations. It is not only a matter of the analytical tools and technologies that can enable business users to make better informed business decisions; it’s also about the way these tools are implemented and whether the business user trusts the data that he sees.
An end‐to‐end information governance (IG) strategy and process establishes the
necessary framework to turn data into business value. Successful information governance projects involve stakeholders from all departments with the strong involvement and sponsorship of C‐level executives.
In June 2011, IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to explore current information governance practices, challenges, and ROI among US, UK, and German firms. In conducting an online survey of 200 information governance decision‐makers — and follow‐up in depth interviews with five of these respondents — Forrester found that companies that implement an information governance strategy across their enterprise achieve better business results than those that are less mature in their governance initiatives.
Table Of Contents:

  • Executive Summary
  • The Use Of Business Intelligence Solutions Is Growing Fast — But Success Often Lags Behind Expectations
  • Information Governance Makes The Difference For A Successful Business Intelligence Strategy
  • Companies Implement Information Governance In Different Ways
  • Investments In Information Governance Will Increase Strongly
  • Key Recommendations
  • Appendix A: Methodology
  • Appendix B: Study Demographics
  • Appendix C: Endnotes

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