Three Key Tenets of Optimal Social Collaboration

Effective social collaboration is actionable, deeply contextual and inherently derives its value from business entities outside of itself. How does an organization begin the journey from traditional, siloed collaboration to natural, business entity based social collaboration? [...]

Effective social collaboration is actionable, deeply contextual and inherently derives its value from business entities outside of itself.
How does an organization begin the journey from traditional, siloed collaboration to natural, business entity based social collaboration?
Optimal social collaboration requires a ubiquitous social fabric, the ability to extend collaborative lifecycles to commit decisions to back office systems and provide consistent context for enhanced decision support. This shift delivers business value in the form of previously unavailable process efficiencies within traditional, unstructured collaboration through a focus around social, contextual and actionable capabilities.


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Elina Stanek, Sustainability Lead bei Woman in AI Austria (c) Woman in AI Austria

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