Understanding Big Data

Auf 166 Seiten erklären die Autoren die Bedeutung und Charakteristika von "Big Data", und legen Use-Cases, sowie Chancen und Risken dar. Ab Seite 78 erklären sie die IBM Hadoop Platform im Detail. [...]

This book’s authoring team is well seasoned in traditional database tech- nologies, and although we all have different backgrounds and experiences at IBM, we all recognize one thing: Big Data is an inflection point when it comes to information technologies: in short, Big Data is a Big Deal! In fact, Big Data is going to change the way you do things in the future, how you gain insight, and how you make decisions (this change isn’t going to be a replacement for the way things are done today, but rather a highly valued and much anticipated extension).
Recognizing this inflection point, we decided to spend our recent careers submersing ourselves in Big Data technologies and figured this book was a great way to get you caught up fast if it’s all new to you. We hope to show you the unique things IBM is doing to embrace open source Big Data technologies, such as Hadoop, and extending it into an enterprise ready Big Data Platform. The IBM Big Data platform uses Hadoop as its core (there is no forking of the Apache Hadoop code and BigInsights always maintains backwards compat- ibility with Hadoop) and marries that to enterprise capabilities provided by a proven visionary technology leader that understands the benefits a platform can provide. IBM infuses its extensive text analytics and machine learning intellectual properties into such a platform, hardens it with an industry tried, tested, and true enterprise-grade file system, provides enterprise integration, security, and more. We are certain you can imagine the possibilities. IBM’s goal here isn’t to get you a running Hadoop cluster—that’s something we do along the path; rather, it’s to give you a new way to gain insight into vast amounts of data that you haven’t easily been able to tap into before; that is, until a technology like Hadoop got teamed with an analytics leader like IBM. In short, IBM’s goal is to help you meet your analytics challenges and give you a platform to create an end-to-end solution.


Big Data: From the Business Perspective

  • What Is Big Data? Hint: You’re a Part of It Every Day
  • Why Is Big Data Important?
  • Why IBM for Big Data?

Big Data: From the Technology Perspective

  • All About Hadoop: The Big Data Lingo Chapter
  • InfoSphere BigInsights: Analytics for Big Data at Rest
  • IBM InfoSphere Streams: Analytics for Big Data in Motion

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